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Friday 7 October 2011

Malnutirtion VS Obese in Indonesia

If you look at the nutritional status of Indonesian children, will appear dilemma. Two portraits of malnutrition and child health at the same time, excess nutrients that cause obesity are risk on chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart disease.
"Despite many efforts made to improve nutrition, particularly the improvement in child malnutrition, but the problem of child malnutrition in Indonesia is still a public health problem, and shows high disparities between regions and economic groups of families," said nutrition expert, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardinsyah, MS, from the Bogor Agricultural Institute in scientific discussion `Food Security and Consumption Pattern Child 'organized Fonterra Brands Indonesia, Wednesday (05/10/2011).
Generally, children who experience malnustrisi due to low consumption or intake of vitamins and minerals. It's also a sign that the consumption of animal foods (meat, fish, milk and eggs), fruits and vegetables children of Indonesia have been inadequate. Obese child has excess fat, carbohydrates and added sugar through food or beverages.
He said one-third of children under five years old are not required minimum energy requirements, and one-fifth of five years childres do not meet minimum protein requirements. The average vitamin and mineral needs for children at 10-12 years in generally below 65 percent. However, some children consume more than its needs.
Facts based on data obtained Riskesdas (2010) nutritional status and nutrient intake of Indonesian children is still problematic. About one-third of children still experience the nutritional status of the short (including very short) and one -sixth of children under five years old are still experiencing malnutrition (including malnutrition).
"The role of various parties ranging from child health experts, government agencies, food manufacturers of children, and society itself is needed so a commitment to providing a healthy and appropriate intake for children of Indonesia so it can be more powerful and performing well," The Prof said.