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Monday 3 October 2011


Abu Bakar Ba `asyir which is Amir Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT) declared that suicide bombing that occurred in Bethel Full Gospel Church (GBIS), Solo, on Sunday (25 / 9) is cursed deed. "That act of the damned, it's a sin," Ba `asyir said when going to the Medical Center Building and Health of Police Headquarters in Jakarta, Monday, in order to undergo dental examination. According to him the act of suicide bombing carried out by Pino Damayanto Urip or Ahmad alias or Hayat Ahmad Yosefa Raharjo is not allowed in Islam, becouse of disturbing the non-Muslim places of worship. "In a religious act is not permissible, unless there is evidence they want to attack Islam," said Ba `asyir. connected whit suicide bombers in Solo, Ahmad Yosefa allegedly is JAT or a member of the Cirebon region, Ba `asyir said that he do not know Ahmad. "That's nonsense, which debate at a lot of people, but JAT never do such a thing. It was never taught like that (suicide bombing) I do not know and do not know, "said Ba` asyir. Ahmad is a member of the JAT Cirebon area, who are also friends of suicide bombers in the Masjid Adh Mapolres Zikra in Cirebon City, Mochammad Sharif on Friday (15 / 4). Ahmad Sharif also has to deliver now will carry out a suicide bombing in Action Adh Zikra Mosque. Sharif is active in the Cirebon region JAT membership-led Supreme aka Abu Nur Alam Husama. Ahmad also perpetrators of vandalism Alfamart in Cirebon in 2010. Sharif dibai `at by Amir Markasiah, Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba` asyir in Tasikmalaya in 2008 along with ten other members of the Cirebon region JAT. Sharif is also actively follow the leadership of Ba ta `lim` asyir in several places in West Java.